Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Something thats happening to me.

So, I decided to talk about something different right now, something that's happening to me, yay. So, tommorow we have this motovainal speaker coming to my school to talk to us about something. He's blind and used to do pro sports. So, what's his message? I'm better than you even though I'm blind? When you become blind go into sports endangering your emotional state and your health? And, because, apperantly to himself, he's so awesome, he retired from sports to tell his story. Really? You gave up 26 gold medals to talk to unintrested children just so you can feel good about yourself? Last time I checked, winning 26 gold medals can make you feel great about yourself,too. And he's not even getting payed. when he goes to the poor house because he never got payed, he's not going to feel so great about himself, is he? That's what I thought.
Random quotes:
1. Do one to others as others do to you -some guy. Ok, next time somebody beats me up, I'm going to do the same thing to them!

2. it takes about 42 muscles to frown, but only about 4 to punch the person who made you frown in the face.

You must be sick of these posts

well, I'm not! Anyway, how are you guyses? Well, i'm here to talk to you aboout something. well, as you know people think the world is going to end in 2012. well how stupid can they get? I mean people thought that it was going to end in 2000 but y 2012? What's so great great about 2012? i mean 3000, ok. But, 2012? Come on! i have an idea! How about we all tell people that the world is going to end, and then they will believe you and in 2012 they will be all prepared and nothing will happen, and we can laugh at there face. No, thats mean. How about we only do it to the people we hate? Yeah, that sounds good. Some of you might be going, the world is going to end! AHHHHHHH! help! save the philsberry dough boy! well, do you have any proof that it's going to end. thats what I thought. Anyway, time for the random quote!
Guess what? what? your face. Yeah, thats what i thought. what was that? your face! Anyway random quote.
well no quote for you. sorry bye. next time there will be two

guess what? Still bored.

i know you all care deeply about my opinions, so heres another post. Did you notice how much stuff they are selling for simpsons/family guy? Well, I say let's boycott! Well, not from watching the shows, they rock. But I mean lets not buy there stuff. I mean sure I have my simpsons shrine of homer simpson like everyone else in the worls, but that is changing now! Well, after this post. I will throw out every item of simpsons/family guy stuff i own. I suggest you do the same. Now, don't be to hasty, how about we throw away every simpsn shirne/family guy talking cookie jar. Maybe now the Family guy and simpsons co. will take us more seriously. Hurrah! Remember, as Bender once said, "Kiss my shiny metal ass!" well, this is most likelt the same thing. And yes, that did count as my random quote. Until next time!

Wow, the next post was fast, I must be bored

You're right. I am bored. just so you know, OBAMA FO YO MOMMA!!! Sorry, he rocks. Anyway, on the topic of presidents, I'm not a big fan of Hillary Clinton. She is a good person and all, but I mean all she talks about is trash on other people. Like how Obama took drugs when he was younger. Yes, we all know that. He admits to it. He tells the truth! That shows he is a great canidate for president. Other people don't admit to that, but obama does. I decided to add something new to my blog, after everytime I inform of my opinion about something, I will give you something that you all most likely came here in the first place to see, me being random/funny. Don't worry here it is...
You fell for that? Really? Wow, ok. I'm going to give a random quote that either I made up or somebody else made up. So here it is. Cause I'm nice, I'll give you two.
1. Donuts is there anything they can't do? -Homer Simpson
2. Purple is a fruit-Homer Simpson
eh, why not give you a thrid?
3. When a waiter asks for a tip tell them, "take a shower, you smell like corn." -me!!!

Hello and welcome to my thinga majig

Hey! By reading this you are most likely bored out of your mind and decided to look at my blog! well guess what? I'm bored too! we have sooo much in common! Now tell me about yourself. You know what? i don't care, so i will tell you about me. ha! To bad. Aren't you annoyed that i never capitilze my i's? and that the fact that i can't spell? well to bad, you have to live with it.
Anyway, about moi. I HATE ZACH EFFRON/HANNAH MONTANA/SOETHING ELSE. just had to make that clear. Can you believe that they are making another High school Musical? Haven't they made enough money off of us already? And this Hannah montana concert 3D movie. Does the concert have to be in 3D? I mean wow! she's singing and it's in 3D! OMG I just might die. Then go to the concert! Oh, right the concert costs 6,000 dollars a pop, just for a 63$ concert ticket. 10 year olds must have giant tantrums to go to that thing. And her voice! it's horrible! I hate it! You probally want something random instead of me yelling at hannah montana and high school musical. well, uh, monkey brains. Hurray, random. Ok, until next post, which is soon, Sarah